United Ag and Turf is offering T3rra Design (Office) and T3rra Cutta (In Cab) modules.
9570R & Scraper Pans
Important Rental Information:
4-Week Rental Rates based on maximum 160 hour month. Weekly Rates = 4-Week Rate. Long-term rates available. Additional hours accumulated will be billed accordingly. All units subject to availability. Rates do not include sales tax, insurance coverage, use tax or freight.
Fuel Charge:
All units are rented with full tank of fuel. Fuel added upon return will be charged to the customer.
Purchase Option:
Purchase options are available. Call for details.
Preventative Maintenance:
Choose between servicing the machine yourself or have our service department do it for you. Rental PM Agreements are scheduled and priced based on hourly usage. Ask about this option today.
Renter is Responsible for:
Insurance with property damage and general liability coverage of $1,000,000. Daily inspection of unit for damage, leaks, ect. Checking and maintaining all fluid levels daily. Lubricating required areas daily. Changing all filters & fluids at required intervals per the machine operator’s manual to include oil sampling. Replacing teeth and cutting edges as required. Returning unit in reasonably clean condition. Any damage to rented units including tire damage, excessive wear or excessive cleaning will be billed to the customer.
T3RRA Cutta
T3RRA Cutta:
In-cab land forming software greatly enhances the capability and efficiency of John Deere iGrade. It operates as a stand-alone data collection, processing, and design program. No other software is required.
Dealer Supported:
Other than an extra tablet console, there is no non-John Deere hardware involved, making service and support via your regular dealer a breeze. Leverage your existing investment in John Deere AutoTrac without buying expensive new 3rd party GPS.
Simple to Use:
T3RRA Cutta allows operators to create single or multi-fit designs for land levelling using a simple, wizard based format. Surface drain and levee creation is also supported, with exports of GreenStar guidance tracks.
Whole farm optimization:
For power users, T3RRA Cutta collected data can be used cost-free within the T3RRA Design desktop package. This comprehensive, yet grower-friendly, land forming package offers power user capabilities not normally seen outside engineering-grade CAB software.
Additional Information
T3RRA Cutta monthly rental rates available
- One time fee for installation and operator training.
- Simple set rate on a per month basis.
- One month minimum.
Custom field design packages available for:
- Field levelling Design
- Terracing Design Work
- Ditching Design Work
- Surveys on Topography Maps